“Let your business drive the change you wish to see in the world”- Michelle Gay
I have never met a business owner that started a business saying I am going to run this business for 5 years and make $500,000 and that is the end. Businesses start with an idea that burns so bright within its creator that it has to be built and shared with the world. Businesses are built with passion, fire and a desire to bring something to the world that it may not have. In the beginning, they are as pure as a freshly fallen snow.
Then it happens, you share your idea with someone else or you start reading about how to build it and the world of the should, supposed to’s and have to’s comes crashing through your doors, taking on a mind of its own. This is where businesses can go off course before they even take their first breath.
Let’s take a pause. Remember that spark that made you start the journey? Take a moment and let your mind go back there. Aah…I can see in your face that that spark is still there. What if you took a step back and spent some time fanning that spark into a flame? What would it take to make it burn as brightly now as it did then? Let’s try unpacking the shoulds, supposed tos, and have tos. Let’s take some time to look at that spark and see what it really needs to expand into the vision that it told you that it wanted to be? What would stay and what would go? What does it need to be resilient, like bamboo, throughout all of the ebbs and flows?
How does a business lose its soul?
That is a great question. It can happen without anyone noticing.
Some businesses never had a soul of their own. Their business was riding on the coattails of the owner’s passion. When that wanes, there is not much left to drive them both.
Other businesses had owners who let the culture evolve without thought or intention. When the business got big enough, it had no true direction and therefore no true soul and was being pulled in many directions based on the unintentional culture that evolved from everyone’s personal agendas.
Sometimes, even with intentional culture created, an owner hangs on too long and too close to the center without enough support. When they lose their connection and passion for the business, the company’s soul slowly dies from the inside out.
Any of this feel familiar? What if you could re-energize the soul of your business? Have support in the times when it feels so much bigger than you that you want to close the doors, walk away, and let it go? Have a place to be heard that will support you through sorting through the ashes to find the gems that will light up that soul fire again? Someone who gets that this started from something bigger than you and can help you build it to be resilient enough to step into all of the possibility that you desire for it? A place to come to be bolstered when it all feels too hard?
If this story feels like you, speaks to you…I would love to meet you at your favorite coffee shop and hear your story.
“Hiring Michelle was one of the best things I did for my business and myself. She helped me better focus my time, aided me in implementing training materials for my managers and staff, daily procedures and all the forms that come with having employees things like a handbook, time off, state forms, reviews, staff meetings, events etc. I have been able to implement essential pieces that were needed in my business to create sustainable security, structure and growth.”
Michelle Gay is the CEO of RE:VISION, a consulting company that works with small businesses to creatively cultivate and evolve their core culture. She coaches business owners to be strong, effective leaders. She brings creative solutions to the table to support her clients in their current process of development and growth to bring their business to the next level. She works closely with her clients to develop a business that aligns with their vision and values. She has been consulting with businesses in the realm of Human Systems and Culture Development since 2011.
Michelle has a background working with a variety of companies in a variety of industries including online sales, retail, realty, and fitness. She is able to take the core competencies of cultural strength and apply them to a diverse group of industries with success. Additionally, she has a background of over 20+ years of leadership and entrepreneurship in both product and service-based businesses.